Keys to staying safe in high crime areas

An MNPD Sergeant provides important guidance on avoiding bad situations.
More and more Americans are worried about the rise in crime.
Published: Apr. 21, 2023 at 11:54 AM CDT|Updated: Apr. 21, 2023 at 11:55 AM CDT
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A recent Gallup poll showed more than half of Americans are very worried about crime.

Three key things could help keep you and your family safe.

Nashville resident Melissa Fuller is fed up with thieves and repeated car break-ins.

“I’d really trust they’re literally watching us right now, that’s how often I’ve seen it happen,” she said.

Whether you are concerned about the safety of your property, or yourself, Metro Police Sgt. Robert Weaver believes simple steps can help keep you safe.

“Three key points to safety: awareness, preparation, and don’t panic.”

Sgt. Weaver said the first one, “Awareness,” starts by being observant.

“Is this car supposed to be there? Is something going on at the neighbor’s house that I don’t usually see...”

Sgt. Weaver added that most communication is nonverbal.

“If you’re picking up on something, we call it that ‘spidey sense.’ If something feels wrong, trust your gut.”

The second avenue to safety: “Preparation.”

“Part of that preparation is to have a plan, just some very quick ‘if-then’ scenarios. If somebody approaches you, what is your escape route? How are you gonna exit out? How are you gonna create space?”

Sgt. Weaver also recommended having a “9 p.m. habit,” which is a time when you secure your valuables, lock your car, and make sure you have taken your purse and laptop out of your vehicle so you are not a target.

Finally, the third thing to remember when looking for safety: “Don’t panic.”

“When people panic, you freeze up, you aren’t able to respond appropriately to a situation.”

In order to stay calm, Sgt. Weaver said that prior preparation is critical.

“Being familiar with where you are, what’s going on around you, knowing exit strategies, be it in a neighborhood while you’re walking, be it in a commercial setting, knowing how to get out of a situation, that’s going to relieve you from being panicked when something happens.”

If you are shopping or headed to the park, Sgt. Weaver says recommends placing your purse or packages out of sight, before arriving at the destination.