Japanese ambassador speaks at Nashville panel

Tennessee has a rich history with Japan and is home to over two hundred Japanese companies, its largest foreign investor.
Published: May. 24, 2024 at 5:51 PM CDT
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - The Ambassador of Japan to the United States and Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty spoke at a luncheon in Nashville on Friday to help further the relationship between the U.S. and Japan along with its commitment to maintaining peace in the Indo-Pacific region.

Ambassador Shigeo Yamada and Hagerty, the former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, were the featured speakers in a panel discussion for the Japan-America Society of Tennesse’s (JAST) Business Forum & Luncheon at the Tennessee State Museum.

Tennessee has a rich history with Japan and is home to over two hundred Japanese companies, its largest foreign investor.

The event also honored the life of Dr. James Auer, a U.S. Navy officer who founded the Center for U.S.-Japan Studies at Vanderbilt University, who passed away May 16, 2024.